Bekah is an Army wife and mother of 3. She started out in CrossFit in 2015, a few years after a nearly life-ending car accident, in hopes to become stronger and not let excuses from the accident rule her life. After a short time in CrossFit classes, she fell in love with the form of fitness and decided to get her CF-L1 to be able to help others like CrossFit helped her. Due to some lingering pains from injuries, she was still struggling with some common movements in CrossFit but still refused to let that limit her, so she started her strength-based mobility training with Primal Mobility. After a significant reduction in pain and better movement patterns, she got certified with them as well and began coaching for them in 2020. She is now the Head of Coaching with Primal Mobility.

The biggest limitation is your mind. You are capable of so much if you put the effort into taking care of your body and working smart with the injuries and/or limitations you may have. Yes, know your limits (I still don’t run because that’s the one thing to leave me limping for days – but I can do box jumps and double-unders with no issues now where I couldn’t before), but also know that you can challenge them little by little. Over time, you may just surprise yourself with what your body is capable of! I joined both CrossFit and Primal Mobility because they quite literally changed my life and my perspective on the cards I was dealt. I move better and am stronger now than I was pre-accident. I am forever grateful for finding these communities and being able to take what I’ve learned from both to help others.

Life and injuries happen


  • Bachelors in Sports and Health Sciences
  • Certified Primal Mobility Coach
  • Certified Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist
  • CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
  • Prior NASM Certified Personal Trainer


CrossFit Coach





9 Years






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