Strength + MetCon

Strength + MetCon

Shoulder Press (12mins to find 1RM!)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15min AMRAP

1 Lap Farmers Carry 70/53
10 Handstand Push Up
5 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

LvL 3: (53/36)(Box HSPU)
LvL 2: (36/26)(Pike Push Ups)
LvL 1: (26/18)(Push Ups)
Accessory Cash Out:
– 2min Assault Bike/400m Jog/2min Row (Cool down speed)
– 20 passes(up/down) BarBell(45) Smashing
(Quads, IT band, Hamstring)

– 5×5 Lateral DB Raise + Burnout BB strict Press