Strength + Metcon

Strength + Metcon

Power Clean, Hang Squat Clean, Squat Clean (1 PC + 1 HSC + 1 SC)
Every 90 Seconds for 10 Rounds (15 Min) Clean Complex.

1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean (from the floor).

**Add a bit of weight each round as long as you are moving with proper form.

When the Clock hits 15 Min-
take the next 5 Minutes to work up to a Heavy Single Squat Clean.

Type in the Comments your Single Heavy Squat Clean for today.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
30 Double Unders/60 Singles
20 Russian Twists
10 Wall Balls 20/14#