Strength + Metcon
Strength + Metcon
Snatch EMOM (Weight)
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Min
2 Power Snatch .
2 Power Snatch .
Stick with the same weight each round and drop the rep each time…do not do touch and go reps.
When the clock hits 12 Min spend 5 minutes working up to a heavy Power Snatch Single.
Write your heavy power snatch single for today in the comments.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
14 Min AMRAP
10 alt DB snatch 50/35#
10 (5/side) Lateral Goblet Lunges
10 (5/side) DB Push Press
12/10 Cals on any Machine
10 alt DB snatch 50/35#
10 (5/side) Lateral Goblet Lunges
10 (5/side) DB Push Press
12/10 Cals on any Machine