Marvelous Monday
Marvelous Monday
Metcon (Time)
Row 1,000m
60 ft. Suitcase Lunge 2 DB 50/35#
60 ft. HSW
Row 800m
60 ft. Suitcase Lunge
60 ft. HSW
Row 600m
60 ft. Suitcase Lunge
60 ft. HSW
Row 400m
60 ft. Suitcase Lunge
60 ft. HSW
Row 200m
60 ft. Suitcase Lunge
60 ft. HSW
Lv 1: 40 Shoulder Taps in the Wall Walk position
Lv 2: Plank Walk
Lv 3: Bear Crawl (shins parallel to the floor)
*Scale DB accordingly