Terrific Tuesday!!!
Terrific Tuesday!!!
Snatch (Weight)
15:00 to establish a 1 rep max snatch
Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
400m Run
20 Pull-ups
200m Run
10 C2B Pull-ups
100m Run
5 Bar Muscle-ups
400m Run
20 Pull-ups
200m Run
10 C2B Pull-ups
100m Run
5 Bar Muscle-ups
For the three variations of pull-ups, pick one movement
& increase the difficulty for the next two movements:
1. Kipping Pull-ups using a box & jump
2. Banded Strict Pull-ups
3. Inverted Row (Chin to Bar)
4. Inverted Row (Chest to Bar)
5. Inverted Row w/ feet on box (hollow body &
parallel to the floor)
6. Jumping BMU using a box
7. Banded BMU