CrossFit – Thu, Jan 5

CrossFit – Thu, Jan 5

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 Sets of the following C&J complex
at 77.5% of 1 RM:

Clean+Front Squat+Split Jerk

Rest 2:00 between sets.


Drop down to 60% of 1 RM C&J andcomplete one, unbroken max effort set. These may be squat or power. Record weight & reps. Goal=12-15 reps.

Metcon (Time)

10 RFT:
4 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Barbell OH Lunge 115/75
8 C2B Pull-ups

Rest 1:00 between rounds

L1: Chin-Over Bar PU
L2: Jumping C2B PU
L3: Banded Kipping