CrossFit – Thu, Jan 19

CrossFit – Thu, Jan 19

Deadlift (AMRAP – Reps)

1×5 @50% of New TM
1×3 @60% of New TM
1×2 @70% of New TM
1×1 @75% of New TM
1×1 @80% of New TM
1xAMRAP @85% of New TM

Goal: 5+

Metcon (Weight)

Alternate exercise selection every 90
secs for a total of 15 minutes:

A) 2 Clean & Jerks
*Begin at 60% of 1 RM & increase
the load by 5% every round.

B) 10 T2B

*record heaviest weight in Wodify

L1: Kip Swing>Knee Tuck
L2: Kip Swing>L-Sit
L3: Strict Knee Raises

Use a band to help with the timing
of the T2B.