CrossFit – Mon, Jun 19
CrossFit – Mon, Jun 19
Back Squat (Weight)
3×5 RPE 8
2×5 RPE 9
Rest 2:00 b/t sets.
*warm-up to a challenging set of 5, rated as an 8 on the RPE scale & then, perform prescribed sets x reps.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 x 5:00 AMRAP:
9 Shuttle Sprints
7 DB Snatches 50/35 (alternate reps)
5 GHD Sit-ups
Repeat three times. Rest one minute between each amrap. +/- 5 reps from each amrap results in a 10 burpee
penalty for every rep deviation at the end of the training session.
1 Shuttle Sprint=25 ft.
*scored as total reps. 1 round = 21reps