CrossFit – Wed, Jul 19
CrossFit – Wed, Jul 19
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM for 10:00:
Odd: 20 Sumo Deadlifts
*Find a weight you can lift unbroken for 20 reps. You may increase the load as you go.
Even: AMRAP alternating Bicep Curls
*Find a weight you can hold onto for an entire minute
Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
100 Double-Unders (200 Singles)
50 KBS 53/35
5 Rope Climbs
L1: 3 Rope Climbs
L2: 1/2 Rope Climb
L3: Heel Lock+Pull Up on the Rig or 15 K2E
on the ropes