CrossFit – Wed, Aug 30
CrossFit – Wed, Aug 30
Metcon (Weight)
Test 1.1
Min 1: 5 C&J
Min 2: 30 Wall Balls 20/14
Min 3: 4 C&J
Min 4: 25 Wall Balls
Min 5: 3 C&J
Min 6: 20 Wall Balls
Min 7: 2 C&J
Min 8: 15 Wall Balls
Min 9: 1 C&J
Min 10: 10 Wall Balls
Athletes, you will have one minute to complete the assigned number of reps for each movement for a total of 10 minutes.
Score is weight lifted & total time.
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
Ring Dips
Strict Pull-ups