CrossFit – Wed, Oct 4

CrossFit – Wed, Oct 4
Bring a Friend Week November 6th-10th
Refer a friend and get $50 off your next month's membership. If your friend joins during BAFW they receive $50 off their first month's membership too!

Metcon (Weight)

5×1 of the following complex:

Begining at 65% of 1 RM, increase load
every set until you’ve reached a maximum load for the day.

1 High-Hang Clean & Jerk + 1 Hang Clean & Jerk +
1 Clean & Jerk

Rest as needed.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


3 Wall Walks
6 T2B
9 KBS 70/53

L1: 1/2 Wall Walk
L2: 12 Nose&Toes Shoulder Taps
L3: 45 sec. HS Hold

L1: Kip Swing to L-Sit
L2: Kip Swing to K2Chest
L3: V-Ups