CrossFit – Tue, Oct 17
CrossFit – Tue, Oct 17
Bring a Friend Week November 6th-10th
Refer a friend and get $50 off your next month's membership. If your friend joins during BAFW they receive $50 off their first month's membership too!
Refer a friend and get $50 off your next month's membership. If your friend joins during BAFW they receive $50 off their first month's membership too!
Snatch Complex (Weight)
10:00 EMOM
1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch + 1 OHS
Begin at 75% of 1 RM Snatch & maintain that weight across all sets
Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
Run 400m
21 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35
15 Box Step-ups 2×50/35
9 Devils Press 2×50/35
*scale weight accordingly.
L1: Burpees instead of devils press