CrossFit – Wed, Oct 25

CrossFit – Wed, Oct 25
Bring a Friend Week November 6th-10th
Refer a friend and get $50 off your next month's membership. If your friend joins during BAFW they receive $50 off their first month's membership too!

Clean Complex (Weight)

5×1 of the following complex:
1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean + 1 Jerk

Rest 2:00 between sets.

Begin @ 75% of 1RM C&J and increase load as you go.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3 Rounds:

5 C&J 135/95
10 Cal Row
15 T2B

Rest 2:00 between rounds.

Record total reps.

1 round = 30 reps


Accessory Work

Optional accessory work:
1. 3×20 Back extensions
2. 3×10/10 (left & right) Banded bird dogs

Rest as needed.