CrossFit – Wed, Dec 20
CrossFit – Wed, Dec 20
Clean Complex (Weight)
Every 2:00 for a total of 5 working sets:
1 High-Hang Clean + 1 Low-Hang Clean + 1 Clean & Jerk
*Don’t let go of the barbell
Warm-up Sets:
Working Set 1…etc.
Find a maximum load for the day.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM for 18:00:
:30 Max Effort Thrusters 135/95
:30 Rest
:30 Max Effort Box Jumps 24/20″
:30 Rest
:30 Max Effort T2B
:30 Rest
Scale the weight of the barbell & height of the box as necessary.
L1: Kip Swing to L-Sit
L2: Kip Swing to K2Chest
L3: Barbell V-Ups