CrossFit – Thu, Apr 4
CrossFit – Thu, Apr 4
Hatch Cycle-Wk2D2
1×10 @60%
1×8 @70%
1×8. @75%
1×8. @80%
Rest 1-2 minutes
1×5 @60%
1×5. @65%
1×5. @70%
1×5. @70%
Rest 1-2 minutes
No belts.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds:
Minute 1: ME Double-unders
Minute 2: ME Wall Ball Shots 20/14
Minute 3: ME Bar Muscle-ups
Minute 4: Rest
Score is total reps.
Minute 1: Use this time to practice double-unders.
Minute 2: Scale the weight of the med ball and/or target height.
Minute 3: Jumping or Banded BMU/BMU Transitions/K2Elbows