CrossFit – Tue, May 14
CrossFit – Tue, May 14
Metcon (Weight)
15:00 to establish a 1RM Snatch.
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
800m Run
30 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
800m Run
Timecap: 20 minutes.
L1: Burpee C2B
L2: Burpee Pull-up
L3: Burpee Ring Row
15:00 to establish a 1RM Snatch.
For Time:
800m Run
30 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
800m Run
Timecap: 20 minutes.
L1: Burpee C2B
L2: Burpee Pull-up
L3: Burpee Ring Row