CrossFit – Wed, Feb 12

CrossFit – Wed, Feb 12

Suggested Warm-Up


5 Inchworm to Up/Down Dog

10 Groiner with a Twist

10 Scap Push-Ups

5 BB Jefferson Curls

AMRAP x 6 Minutes

10 Barbell Good Mornings*

10 Bird Dogs

10 Glute Bridge-Ups

8 Slow Pike Shoulder Taps**

* at 3:00 switch to BB RDLs

**at 3:00 switch to 5 Pike Push-Ups

Strength – All
Deadlift (5×5*)

*Keep weight Light-Moderate across all sets. This is a Deload Week.

(Score is Weight)

Week 6 of 7

Strength | Tempo Cycle

Classic Workout – All
DIANE+ (Time)



Deadlifts (315/205)

Strict Handstand Push-Ups

(Score is Time)

KG BB: (143/93)


Choose either DIANE or DIANE+

Classic Workout – All
Diane (Time)
21-15-9 Reps For Time
Deadlifts (225/155 lb)
Handstand Push-Ups

KG BB: (100/70)


Choose either DIANE or DIANE+

Optional Cool Down – All

MIN 1 – :30 Supinated Grip Bar Hang

MIN 2 – :30 Supinated PVC Box Hold*

MIN 3 – :25/:25 Side Plank Hold

*Supinated grip w/elbows in. Kneel on floor, place elbows on box, let chest drop, and sit back.

(No Measure)

Extra Credit – All

NOTE — February’s extra credit focus will be building strength with the Strict/Push Press & Strict Pull-Up Development. This portion of the day’s work is optional for all athletes and meant to be performed outside of class.

1.) 3-4 SETS (Weight)

20 Seated Top to Bottom Alt. DB Strict Press*

15-20 Barbell Upright Row

*Both DB’s start overhead. As one DB lowers to the shoulder, the other must stay locked out. Once the DB is back OH, switch.

(Score is Weight on DBs)

-Rest as Needed b/t Part 1 & Part 2-

2.) 3-4 SETS

30 Seated Alternating Banded Lat Pull-Downs*

15-20 Inverted Barbell Rows

*Start by pulling both bands down towards the torso from the seated position. Raise one side under control until fully locked out while the other arm stays locked at the torso. Once the first arm is back at the torso, switch.

(No Measure)