CrossFit – Fri, Feb 14

CrossFit – Fri, Feb 14

Suggested Warm-Up


12 Toes Touch Jumping Jacks

10 Alt. Lunges

10 Ring Rows

8 Air Squats w/ :01 Pause at Bottom



12 Alt. Elbow Punches

10 Barbell Front Squats

8 Barbell Strict Press

6 Thrusters

Strength – All
Front Squat (5×5*)

*Keep weight Light-Moderate across all sets. This is a Deload Week.

(Score is Weight)

Week 6 of 7

Strength | Tempo Cycle

Dorie (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP (with a Partner) in 20 minutes
Buy In:
150 meter Partner Carry (each)
Partner A completes 1 round of:
15 American Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb)
10 Burpees
5 Ground-to-Overheads (95/65 lb)
While Partner B performs:
Max Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
Partners rotate each round until team completes 150 Wall Balls

Then, in time remaining:
AMRAP of the 15/10/5 rep rounds above (one partner working at a time)

On a 20-minute clock, complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible (AMRAP) of the prescribed work in the order written. Once both partners have completed the 150 meter Partner Carry buy in, move on to the next component. Partner A completes 1 round of 15/10/5 while Partner B performs Wall Ball Shots. Partners rotate until 150 Wall Balls have been completed.
If there is time remaining on the clock, complete the same AMRAP (15 American Kettlebell Swings, 10 Burpees, 5 Ground-to-Overheads) with one partner working at a time until the 20-minute clock stops.

Score is the total number of rounds and repetitions completed (for both partners) of the 15/10/5 before the 20-minute clock stops.

Background: Dedicated to WWII hero Doris Miller, of Waco, TX. During the attack in the Pearl Harbor, Doris was asked to assist the captain, who was mortally wounded, to move him to a safer place. After helping the captain, he went back to the battle row and found a gun that was unmanned and went to manage it. When asked to abandon ship, Doris was one of the men who were able to save some of the injured men. Because of his bravery, he was awarded the Navy Cross. “Doris was always considering other people rather than himself. He definitely put country first.”

He was also the Navy boxing champ at the time of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He enlisted young into the only branch of the military which would take him. In addition to the Navy Cross, Doris was entitled to the Purple Heart Medal, the American Defense Service Medal, Fleet Clasp, the Asia

Push Press (1.) Push Press*


*Start heavier than last week and try to end heavier.

(Score is Weight)

-Rest as Needed b/t Part 1 & Part 2-

Extra Credit – All

NOTE — February’s extra credit focus will be building strength with the Strict/Push Press & Strict Pull-Up Development. This portion of the day’s work is optional for all athletes and meant to be performed outside of class.