CrossFit – Wed, Mar 5
200 M Run
10/10 Leg Swings
10 Calf Raises
10 Tibia Raises
10/10 Hip openers and closers
500 M Row
10 Banded Good Mornings
10 Banded Pull Aparts
10/10 Banded sword pulls
10 Lat Push Down
10//10 Dante Row
1-3 Strict Gymnastics Pulls*
Strict Pulling Options…
Vertical Ring Rows
(Banded) Pull-Ups
Chest to Bars
(No Measure)
250/200m Row
200m Run
500/400m Row
400m Run
750/600m Row
600m Run
1000/800 Row
800m Run
*If you complete the 800m Run, start back at 250/200. Total meters for 1 full round is (4500/4000).
(Score is Total Meters)
MIN 1 – :45 Up Dog to Down Dog
MIN 2 – :25/:25 Figure 4 Stretch or Half Pigeon
MIN 3 – :45 Child’s Pose
(No Measure)
NOTE — March’s extra credit will focus on building Overhead Strength & Midline Development. This portion of the day’s work is optional for all athletes and meant to be performed outside of class.
3-4 SETS
50m Single Arm DB Overhead Walk (R)
50m Single Arm DB Overhead Walk (L)
-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)
:15-:30 L-Hang Hold
:45/:45 Side Plank
40 Hollow Body Flutter Kicks
-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)