CrossFit – Thu, Dec 29
CrossFit – Thu, Dec 29
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Sets of the following C&J complex
at 75% of 1 RM:
High-Hang Clean+
Low-Hang Clean+
Split Jerk
Rest 2:00
Drop down to 55% of 1 RM C&J & complete one, unroken max effort set. These may be squat or power. Record weight & reps. Goal=15-20 reps.
Metcon (Time)
5 RFT:
50 ft. DB OH Lunge (1×50/35)
10 DB Box Step-ups 24/20
10 Strict HSPU
50 ft. HSW
10 Strict HSPU=10 Strict Barbell Shoulder
Presses. The weight used should be challenging
enough that you cannot complete 10 UB reps.
50ft. HSW =
(L1) 50 Back-Facing Wall Shoulder Taps
(L2) 50ft. Seal Walk