CrossFit – Mon, May 15
CrossFit – Mon, May 15
Metcon (Weight)
10×1 of the following clean complex:
1 Clean (squat)+ 2 Front Squats+ 1 Split Jerk
Rest 45-60 secs btwn sets.
Begin at 50-55% & add weight every set. Record heaviest lift.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Rounds of…
5:00 AMRAP
Buy-In: 500m Row
1 Double DB Thruster 50/35
1 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20″
-Rest 1:00 before beginning next round.
Add 1 rep every round. Record reps for every round. The goal is to be consistent.
+/-5 reps from the first round = 5 burpee penalty at the end
of the training session for every rep deviation.