CrossFit – Wed, Jul 5

CrossFit – Wed, Jul 5

Snatch Word (Weight)

3×5 Drop Snatch
-Increase the weight every set, rest as needed
3×5 Snatch Balance
-Increase the weight every set, rest as needed

Beginning at 75-80% of 1 RM Snatch, perform the following complex every 90 seconds for a total of 5 sets:

Power Snatch

Hang Snatch(just below the knee)


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

400m KB OH Carry 53/35
50 KBS
400m KB OH Carry
50 Burpees Over the KB
200m KB OH Carry
30 KBS
200m KB OH Carry
30 Burpees Over the KB
100m KB OH Carry
10 KBS
100m KB OH Carry
10 Burpees Over the KB