CrossFit – Thu, Aug 3
CrossFit – Thu, Aug 3
Deadlift (Weight)
Deadlift Wave
RPE 10-7-10-7-10
Athletes will warm-up to a challenging, maximal set of “2” to complete the first set. Drop the weight toa medium but heavy load for the next set of “6.” For the third set,
increase the load again, etc.
Rest :60 but no more than :90 b/t sets.
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
Wall Walks
DB Box Step-overs (2×50/35)
Echo Bike Cals
L1: 1/2 Wall Walk
L2: 36/28/20 Shouder Taps
L3: 2:00 HS Hold/ 1:30 HS Hold/ 1:00 HS Hold