CrossFit – Thu, Aug 17

CrossFit – Thu, Aug 17

Metcon (Weight)

Deadlift Wave
RPE 10-8-10-8-10

Athletes will warm-up to a challenging, maximal set of “3” to complete the first set. Drop the weight to a HEAVY, sub-maximal load for the next set of “5.” For the third set,
increase the load again, etc.

Rest 90-120 secs btwn. sets.

Metcon (Time)

3 RFT:
50 Double-unders
30 Back-Facing Wall Shoulder Taps
10 DB Devils Press 2×35/25

50 DU=150 Singles

L1: Nose&Toes Shoulder Taps
L2: Nose&Toes Hand Lifts
L3: Hollow Body Shoulder Taps