CrossFit – Tue, Sep 12
CrossFit – Tue, Sep 12
Metcon (Weight)
Front Squat Wave
RPE 10-8-10-8-10
Athletes will warm-up to a challenging, maximal set of “2” to complete the first set. Drop the weight to a HEAVY, submaximal load for the next set of “6.” For the third set, increase the load again, etc.
Rest 60 but no more than 90 secs btwn. sets.
Metcon (Time)
Echo Bike Cals
Ring Dips (Matador Dips/Banded Dips/Box Dips)
Rest 2:00
Burpee Box Jump Overs
HSPU (Abmat HSPU/Box HSPU/BB Thruster@50% BW)
For Time