CrossFit – Wed, Sep 27
CrossFit – Wed, Sep 27
Metcon (Weight)
7×1 of the following complex:
3 Position (High-Hang, Hang, Floor) Power Clean + 1 Jerk @ 60-65%
Rest 60 secs btwn sets
Do not exceed 65% of 1 RM
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Rounds of the following AMRAP:
10 DB DL 2×50/35
50′ Farmer Carry Lunge 2×50/35
10 DB S2O 2×50/35
50′ Front Rack Lunge 2×50/35
Rest 1:00 b/t AMRAPs
*start back at the top
*score will be total reps
*farmer’s carry and FRL will count at one rep