CrossFit – Wed, Oct 18
CrossFit – Wed, Oct 18
Bring a Friend Week November 6th-10th
Refer a friend and get $50 off your next month's membership. If your friend joins during BAFW they receive $50 off their first month's membership too!
Refer a friend and get $50 off your next month's membership. If your friend joins during BAFW they receive $50 off their first month's membership too!
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
20:00 Alternating EMOM
Odd: 1 Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Even: Max Effort Strict HSPU. Record reps.
*begin at 75% of 1 RM clean & jerk and maintain that weight across all sets
*record total number reps of HSPU (total # or modified reps) in Wodify
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
Row 500m
25 Toes 2 Bar
15 Burpee Pull-ups
25 Toes 2 Bar
Row 500m
Timecap: 15 minutes
If not completed in the 15:00 cap record total reps in Wodify comments
L1: Kip Swing to L-Sit
L2: Kip Swing to Knee to Chest
L3: Banded V-Ups