CrossFit – Thu, Jan 18

CrossFit – Thu, Jan 18

Metcon (Weight)

10:00 to build to a HEAVY 2 Position Clean:
1 Hang Clean+1 Low Hang Clean (2″ Below the knee)
*Do not let go of the bar.


10:00 to complete 5×4 Split or Power Jerks beginning at 65% from above. Increase the load until you can no longer complete 5 reps.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:
100 Double-Unders
50 DB Walking Lunges x35/25
50′ HSW
75 Double-Unders
30 DB Walking Lunges
50′ HSW
50 Double-Unders
10 DB Walking Lunges
50′ HSW

*L1: 5 Wall Walks
L2: 50 Shoulder Taps (back-facing wall)
L3: 50 Shoulder Taps (forward-facing wall)