CrossFit – Tue, Feb 6

CrossFit – Tue, Feb 6
Bring a Friend Week February 5th-9th (no drop in fees).  Don't forget about our referral offer.  Bring a friend and get them to sign up and you both get $50 cold hard cash!The Open is upon us!  Get signed up at or here at the gym.Coach Mary's Gymnastics Clinic February 17th, 24th, March 2nd, and 9th.  Sign up at the whiteboard or see a coach.

Back Squat (Weight)

1A) Backsquat
5×1 RPE 10 (across all sets); rest 30 seconds
*If you think today is going to be a PR day, go for it. Just make sure you hit a few drop down sets to get all HEAVY 5 sets in.

1B) Bulgarian Split Squat
5x10R/10L; rest 90 seconds
*If you are competing in the Open, do 5×5/5 Pistols w/PERFECT technique here. If Pistols are easy for you, do them weighted.

Metcon (Time)

10 Rounds For Time:
8 Groung to Overhead 115/75
10 Bar-facing Burpees

Timecap: 15:00