CrossFit – Wed, Apr 17
CrossFit – Wed, Apr 17
Alternating EMOM for 10:00… (Weight)
Odd: 15 GHD Sit-ups
Even: Clean Complex. Begin at 70-75% of
1 RM. You may increase as you go.
Clean Complex:
1 Clean + 1 Thruster + 1 Split Jerk
L1: GHD SU to Parallel
L2: V-Ups
L3: In & Outs
20AMRAP: (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 Wall Walks
10 Push Press 95/65
15 Pendlay Rows 95/65
20 Cal Row
Scale the weight of the barbell as necessary.
L1: 1/2 WW
L2: 20 Forward-facing Wall Shoulder Taps
L3: 1:00 Forward-facing Wall HS Hold