CrossFit – Wed, May 29

CrossFit – Wed, May 29

Barbell Complex (Weight)

15 minutes to establish a maximum set for
the day.

1 Clean + 1 Front Sqt + 2 Split Jerks

Rest as needed.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

Dumbbell Clean and Jerk 2×50/35
50 ft. Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps
50 ft. HSW
T2B (Kip Swing to L-Sit/Kip Swing to K2Chest/Leg Raises from the floor)

There is 5 total sets.

Scale the weight of the dumbbell as needed. BOTH heads of the DB must touch the floor for a rep to count.

L1: 25 ft. HSW
L2: 50 Back-facing Wall Shoulder Taps
L3: 50 Forward-facing Wall Shoulder Taps or Renegade Rows w/ Dumbbells