CrossFit – Thu, Aug 15
200m Run
10/10 Leg Swings (Front/ Back)
10/10 Leg Swings (Side/Side)
10 Tib + Calf Raises
10 Cossack Squats
5 Tempo Strict Press
40 Single Unders*
10 Alt. Step Ups**
8 Pause Bent Over Rows
:20/:20 Side Plank
*RND 2: Optional* Crossover Singles or Double Unders
**RND 2: Lateral Step Overs (5 with outside food leading + 5 with inside foot leading)
2 Power Clean
2 Front Squat
2 Shoulder to Overhead
-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-
*Use an empty barbell or very Light Weight. This is a primer for tomorrow’s 1-Rep Clean & Jerk.
(No Measure)
800m Run
15 Slow Empty Barbell Bent Over Rows*
30 Lateral Alt. Box Step-Overs (20)
Jump Rope Option (Athlete Choice)**
:45/:45 Side Plank Hold
*:01 Pause at the Top and Bottom of Each Rep
**30 Crossover Singles, 60 Double Unders, or 120 Single Unders
(No Measure)
:30 Wrist Flexion Stretch (Palms Up)
1:00 Foam Roll
:30 Wrist Extension Stretch (Palms Down)
1:00 Foam Roll
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)