CrossFit – Fri, Oct 18
EMOM x 4 (:40 ON/:20 OFF)
Min 1: Inchworm + Push Up
Min 2: Bootstrappers
Min 3: Alt Pigeons
Min 4: Cossack Squats
30 Single Unders (*Option 20 DUBs after 1ST RND)
10 Air Squats (*Add WB after 1ST RND)
10 WB Push Press
10 Bird Dogs
1×5 @ RPE 7
1×5+ @ RPE 8)
(Score is Weight)
Week 2 of 6
Strength | 5-3-1 Cycle
AMRAP in 23:00:
1 Mile Run
Then, 5 cycles of:
9 Burpees
16 Air Squats
10 Pushups
Wear a weighted vest 20/14
On a 23-minute clock, start by completing a 1-mile Run. Then move immediately to the 5-round portion of the workout and complete the 5 rounds of the prescribed work in the order written. If time remains on the clock after all 5 rounds are completed, start again on the Run. Perform all movements with a Weight Vest. Continue in this manner, completing as many rounds and repetitions as possible (“AMRAP“) until the 23 minute clock stops.
Score is the total number of rounds and repetitions completed before the 23 minute clock stops. Each round comprises the 1 mile Run and the 5 cycles of bodyweight movements. For the Run count 1 rep for each 10 meters (160 reps per mile). Each 5 cycles of bodyweight movements is 175 total reps.
MIN 1 – :25/:25 Foot Smash
MIN 2 – :25/:25 Calf Smash
MIN 3 – :50 Child’s Pose
(No Measure)