CrossFit – Wed, Jan 29

CrossFit – Wed, Jan 29

Suggested Warm-Up


25’/25’ Side Shuffle

25’ Alt Figure 4 Stretch

25’ Alt. Quad Stretch

25’ Karaoke

25’ Toy Soldier

25’ High Knees

25’ Butt Kickers

25’/25’ High Knees into Sprint



4 Push Up to Down Dog

4/4 Moose Antler

8 Tuck Ups/V Ups

8 DB Strict Press

8 Kip Swings

200M Run

Workout – Performance
EVERY 5:00 x 5 SETS (Time)

400m Run

15 DB Shoulder to Overhead (50/35)

15 Toes to Bar

-Rest w/ Time Remaining-

(Score is Slowest Set)

KG DB: (22.5/15)

Workout – Fitness
EVERY 5:00 x 5 SETS (Time)

400m Run

15 DB Shoulder to Overhead (35/20)

15 Toes to Something

-Rest w/ Time Remaining-

(Score is Slowest Set)

KG DB: (15/10)

Extra Credit – All

NOTE — January’s extra focus will be building strength with the Bench Press eventually progressing to a 3RM & practicing Double Under skills.

1.) Double Under or Single Under Flight Simulator* (Time)


*Complete the set of Double/Single Unders unbroken. If a set is failed, start again from the beginning of that set. Rest between sets as needed.

(Score is Time)

-Rest as Needed b/t Part 1 & Part 2-

2.) 3 SETS (Weight)

10/10 Single Arm Seated Arnold Press

-Rest :30-

Max Reps Banded Tricep Extensions

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

(Score is Weight on DBs)