CrossFit – Mon, Feb 10
200m Run or 250/200m Row
8 Shoulder Taps + Down Dog*
8 Alt. DB Deadlifts
8 Vertical Jumps
*1 Rep = Plank Shoulder Tap (R) + Shoulder Tap (L) + Down Dog
8 Plank Walk Outs
8/8 Single Arm DB Push Press
8 Half Box Jumps*
*Don’t stand all the way up. Once you land in a quarter or full squat, immediately step down.
1 Snatch*
1 Hang Snatch*
1 Overhead Squat
*Option for Squat or Power.
(Score is Weight)
1 Power Snatch
2 Hang Power Snatch
(Score is Weight)
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches
15 box jump-overs
F: 35-lb. dumbbell, 20-in. box
M: 50-lb. dumbbell, 24-in. box
KG DB: (22.5/15)
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches
15 box jump-overs
F: Scaled wall walks, 20-lb. dumbbell, 20-in. box, may step up on box jump-overs
M: Scaled wall walks, 35-lb. dumbbell, 24-in. box, may step up on box jump-overs
KG DB: (22.5/15)
1:00 Calf Smash on Barbell
:30 Prayer Stretch on Barbell/Foam Roller/Floor*
5/5 Groiner w/Thoracic Rotation**
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
*Hands can be on top of each other or side by side on top of the barbell or foam roller. Send the hips back and drop the chest towards ground.
**Keep back knee off the ground, driving back leg up, actively engaging hips. Rotate down and away from the leading leg, then twist and reach up towards the leading leg.
(No Measure)
NOTE — February’s extra credit focus will be building strength with the Strict/Push Press & Strict Pull-Up Development. This portion of the day’s work is optional for all athletes and meant to be performed outside of class.
*Start heavier than last week and try to end heavier.
(Score is Weight)
-Rest as Needed b/t Part 1 & Part 2-
5 Bottom to Half Pull-Ups
5 Top to Half Pull-Ups
5 Strict Pull-Ups
*Complex does NOT need to be unbroken, but movements do.
-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)