CrossFit – Tue, May 2
CrossFit – Tue, May 2 Snatch Work (Weight) Warm-up to 70-75% of 1 RM Snatch. Metcon (Time) 10 RFT:250m Sprint on the Erg10 HSPU3 Snatches @70-75% of 1 RMRest 1:00 Rx+ Deficit HSPU 4/3″
CrossFit – Tue, May 2 Snatch Work (Weight) Warm-up to 70-75% of 1 RM Snatch. Metcon (Time) 10 RFT:250m Sprint on the Erg10 HSPU3 Snatches @70-75% of 1 RMRest 1:00 Rx+ Deficit HSPU 4/3″
CrossFit – Mon, May 1 Back Squat (Weight) 3×10 @ 70-75% of 1 RM *rest :90 between sets Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 10 EMOM:Odd: 20 Dbl DB OH Lunges 35/25Even: 1 Rope Climb Rest 2:00 10 EMOM:Odd: 10 Dbl DB Thrusters 35/25Even: 10 Pull-ups Rx+ 50/35 & C2B PU Scale the weight of the DB
CrossFit – Sat, Apr 29 Saturday Community WOD “4X4” Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 4- 4 Min Amrap: 20 Wall Ball Shots @20/14 20 Cals Row 20 Box Jump Overs@24/20 20 Clean and Jerks@95/65 After each 4 Min Amrap, there will be 90sec rest. You will pick up where you left off. Score is
CrossFit – Fri, Apr 28 Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) To Honor Sgt. Cameron Thomas & Sgt. Joshua Rodgers from 3/75: :22 of Silence -then- 23 AMRAP:75 Goblet Squats4 Rope Climbs75 Russian KBS22 Burpees75 Air Squats Cash out: 17x50m SB Carry 150/100 This WOD is a combination of Hero WODs “Cameron” and “Iron Ranger”
CrossFit – Thu, Apr 27 Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Partner Workout. Both partners work at the same time. Partner A works on the reps for the total score while Partner B controls the time spent at each station. Partners will switch before moving onto the next station. The score for today is total reps with