CrossFit – Mon, May 13
CrossFit – Mon, May 13 Metcon ***DELOAD WEEK*** Backsquat:1×5@65%1×5@70%1×5@75%1×5@80% Frontsquat:1×5@60%3×5@65% Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 12:00 to complete the following:3 Rounds:400m Run20 T2B (Kip swing to L-Sit/Kip swing to K2C/Hang Knee Raises) 6:00 to complete the following:2 Rounds:250m Row10 GHD Sit-ups (GHD to Parallel/PVC Sit-Up/Abmat Sit-up) 3:00 to complete the following:10 Echo Bike Cals10 V-Ups (Alt.