CrossFit – Sun, Jun 2
CrossFit – Sun, Jun 2 SUNDAY FUNDAY TRAVEL WOD 3 RFT Run 800 M 50 Air Squats
CrossFit – Sun, Jun 2 SUNDAY FUNDAY TRAVEL WOD 3 RFT Run 800 M 50 Air Squats
CrossFit – Sat, Jun 1 Saturday Community WOD! Grab a friend and start the weekend off right! (Time) FOR TIME W/ A PARTNER: 40 WALL BALL SHOTS 20/14 40 BURPEES 40 RUSSIAN KETTLEBELL SWINGS 53/35 40 BOX JUMPS 40 DUMBBELL PUSH PRESS 2×35/25 40 PVC PIPE SITUPS 40 GOOD MORNINGS 40 SQUAT JUMPS *RUN 100M
CrossFit – Fri, May 31 Austin Smith (Time) 30 Rounds For Time 2 Muscle Ups 3 Power Cleans (155/105) 4 Handstand Push-ups Cash Out 2022m Row Scale the weight of the barbell as necessary. L1: Jumping RMU/1 Abmat HSPU L2: MU Transition + Lockout/Box Pike Position HSPU L3: Burpee Pull-up/Strict Push-ups
CrossFit – Thu, May 30 Metcon Backsquat:1×5@60%1×3@70%1×2@80%1×2@90%1×1@95% Frontsquat:1×5@65%1×4@75%1×4@80%1×4@85% Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 4x:4:00 to complete the following:500m RowME WB Shots 20/14Rest 1:00 *Score is total number of WB Shots. Aimto be consistent across sets. Scale the weight of the MB as necessary.
CrossFit – Wed, May 29 Barbell Complex (Weight) 15 minutes to establish a maximum set forthe day. 1 Clean + 1 Front Sqt + 2 Split Jerks Rest as needed. Metcon (Time) For Time: 10-8-6-4-2 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk 2×50/3550 ft. Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps50 ft. HSW20-16-12-8-4T2B (Kip Swing to L-Sit/Kip Swing to K2Chest/Leg