Midline Madness
Midline Madness
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
20sec Hollow Rocks
10sec Plank Hold
20sec Hollow Rocks
10sec Plank Hold
Metcon (Time)
For Time
150 Double Unders
50 Toes To Bar
50 Cal Row
100 DU
30 T2B
30 Cal Row
50 DU
10 T2B
10 Cal Row
LvL 3: (Singles x2) (Straight Leg Raise) (25/15/5 Cal)
LvL 2: (Singles) (Knees to Chest) (13/7/3 Cal)
LvL1: (Jumping Jacks) (Lying Leg Raises) (7/4/2 Cal)
LvL 2: (Singles) (Knees to Chest) (13/7/3 Cal)
LvL1: (Jumping Jacks) (Lying Leg Raises) (7/4/2 Cal)
Mobility Cash Out:
– 2min Assault Bike/400m Jog/2min Row (Cool down speed)
– 20 passes(up/down) BarBell(45) Smashing (Quads, IT band, Hamstring)
– 2min Assault Bike/400m Jog/2min Row (Cool down speed)
– 20 passes(up/down) BarBell(45) Smashing (Quads, IT band, Hamstring)