Strength + MetCon

Strength + MetCon

Deadlift (8×8 (building) Every :90sec)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5min AMRAP
3 Wall Walks
7 Pull Ups
10 Box Jumps 30/24

-2min Rest-

5min AMRAP
5 Handstand Push Ups
5 Chest to Bar
10 Dumbbell Box Step Over 24/20 35/25

LvL 3: 2 Wall Walks – 5 Pull Ups – 24/20
LvL 2: 2 Wall Walks – Ring Rows – 20/18
LvL 1: 1 Wall Walk – Ring Rows – Step Ups

LvL 3: 25/20 – Pike Push Ups
LvL 2: 20/15 – Box Invert Push Ups – Ring Row
LvL 1: 15/10 – Push Ups – Ring Rows

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Accessory Cash Out:
– 2min Assault Bike/400m Jog/2min Row (Cool down speed)
– 20 passes(up/down) BarBell(45) Smashing
(Quads, IT band, Hamstring)

– 100 Banded Pull Aparts