Thursday Strength + Metcon

Thursday Strength + Metcon

Clean + Jerk (Weight)
EMOM for 10:00
Odd: 1 Power Clean+
1 Hang Power Clean+
2 Split Jerks
Even: 20 Shoulder Taps (freestanding
or HS Hold on the wall)

*All sets will be performed at 70%
of the HEAVIEST complex on 7/14/22

*record weight

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Rounds:
Every 4:00…
200m Sprint
10 GHD Sit-ups
200m Sprint
10 T2B

-Rest remaining amount
of time before the next round.

LVL1: V-UPS/Weighted Up-downs
LVL2: Abmat SU/Up-downs

*record # of rounds completed before being caught by the clock