Marvelous Monday

Marvelous Monday

Back Squat (Weight)
1×10 @60%
1×8 @65%
1×6 @70%
1×6 @75%
1×6. @80%

Rest 1-2 minutes

*remember no belts

Front Squat (Weight)
1×5 @60%
1×5 @70%
1×5 @75%
1×5 @75%

Rest 1-2 minutes

Week 2-Day 3 of the Hatch Cycle.
We are going to work without belts
for the next few weeks of squatting.

Metcon (Time)
For Time:

Buy-In: 800m Run

Dbl DB Thrusters 35/25
Dbl DB Burpee Box Stepovers

Buy-Out: 1,000m Row