Thursday Strength + Metcon

Thursday Strength + Metcon

Week 3 Hatch Cycle Back Squat (Weight)
1×10 @60%
1×10 @65%
1×8 @70%
1×8 @75%

Rest 1-3 minutes between sets. No belts.

Week 3 Hatch Cycle Front Squat (Weight)
1×5 @60%
1×5 @65%
1×5 @70%
1×5 @70%

Rest 1-3 minutes between sets. No belts.

Metcon (Time)

Muscle Ups
OHS 185/125

Timecap: 15 minutes.

LVL 1: MU Transition w/dip
LVL 2: Pull+Dip

Any kind of pull. Any kind of dip. Keep the rep scheme the same.

List of Pulls:
1. Strict Pull-up
2. Banded Strict Pull-up
3. Ring Row
4. Inverted Barbell Row

List of Dips:
1. Ring Dip
2. Banded Ring Dip
3. Matador Dip
4. Box Dip