CrossFit – Wed, Oct 12

CrossFit – Wed, Oct 12

Skill Work (Weight)
Alternating EMOM for a total of 10 sets:

A) 10 Front Rack Barbell Step-ups 24/20
*Begin @55% of 1RM Clean but do not exceed 65%

B) 10 T2B

*Score barbell weight in Wodify

Metcon (Time)
As Fast As Possible (AFAP):

Thrusters 95/65
Box Jumps

For Time

LVL1: 75/55; keep reps the same
LVL2: 45/35; 15-9-6-9-15

Two options for scaling box jumps:
1) If you can jump, scale the height & jump
2) If you cannot jump due to an injury, step-up @ the height prescribed