CrossFit – Thu, Dec 22

CrossFit – Thu, Dec 22

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 Sets @72.5% of 1 RM C&J:

3 TNG Cleans (squat)+1 Jerk

Rest 2:00 between each set.

TNG=Touch ‘N Go. There should be
no pause at the floor or resetting of grip
at the floor.

Drop down to 50% of 1 RM C&J and complete one, unbroken max effort set. These may be
squat or power. Record number of C&J. Goal:
15-20 Reps

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 Rounds:

Every 4:00
400m Run
20 UB Wall Balls 20/14
10 UB C2B

Athletes will have 4:00 per round
to complete the run & prescribed number
of reps. If they fail to complete within the
allotted time, scale the reps & complete
the workout with the new prescribed
number of reps.

*if you know you will be unable to complete at least one round scale the reps before 3 2 1 Goto a doable number and get after it!

The goal here is to perform these movements unbroken as much as possible

L1: C2B PU Broken
L2: Chin-Over-Bar UB PU
L3: Scale the kipping pull-up & break
the sets accordingly.