CrossFit – Thu, Jan 12

CrossFit – Thu, Jan 12

Deadlift (Weight)

1×2 @65% of New TM
1×2 @72.5% of New TM
3×5 @77.5% of New TM
1×5+ @77.5% of New TM


EMOM for 20:00

Even: 1 set of unbroken BMU’s(record # of reps; +/- 2 reps equals 15 Burpee penalty at
the end of the workout) + 1 Shuttle Sprint

Odd: 4 SB Devils Press 50/25 + 8 GHD

Scale: 1 UB Set C2B/1 UB Set Pullups/1 UB Set Ring Row

Scale: V-Ups/Abmat SU/Dead-bugs

1 Shuttle Sprint=50 ft./40 ft./30 ft./20 ft.