CrossFit – Tue, Jan 24

CrossFit – Tue, Jan 24

Metcon (Weight)

EMOM for 10:00

A: Snatch Double (65/75/80/85/85)
B: 10 UnbrokenWall Balls 20/14

Athletes will begin the snatches at 65% of their 1 RM.
Increase the weight every other minute to hit the following
percentages for a total of 5 sets:
75% / 80% / 85% / 85%

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10/8 Cal Row
6 Ring Muscle-Ups
4 DumbbellBox Step-ups 24/202×50/35 lbs.

L1: Substitute the ring muscle-ups for ring dips.
L2: Banded Ring Dips
L3: Box Dips