CrossFit – Tue, Mar 14

CrossFit – Tue, Mar 14

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM 10:
Odd: 50 Double-Unders
Even: AMRAP Strict HSPU

+/- 2 Reps =5 Penalty Burpee at the end of the EMOM.

For Example:
Round 1=I knock out 5 strict HSPU. I cannot deviate +/- 2 Reps from 5 the rest of the rounds with strict HSPU. Consistency is the target.

*record number of HSPU

L1: Stack 1 or 2 Abmats & build strength upside down.
L2: Box Pike HSPU
L3: Push-ups w/out the use of knees on the ground

Metcon (Time)


400m Run
21 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35
15 DB Box Step-UPS 24/20
9 Devils Press

*Use one DB.

Quarterfinal Prep WOD

Today’s your active recovery day. You may bike, row, run, ski, or any combination from the previous list for 20-30 minutes. This work should be performed at Zone 1, nothing strenuous by any means. Just enough to get the blood flowing & primed for 45-60 minutes of stretching & mobilization.

Wednesday, take completely off & drink plenty of water throughout the day. Thursday is your first day of competition.