CrossFit – Fri, May 17

CrossFit – Fri, May 17
Hero/Bring a Friend Week May 20 – May 24. No drop in fees. Referral offer will be in full effect!
 Murph on Friday and the grill will get cranked up around 9!

Metcon (Time)

“Farewell Coach Chanelle”

5 RFT:
400m Run
12 Hang Cleans 135/95
24 Db Snatches 50/35
90 Double Unders

1 Rope Climb, 15ft.

1:3 DU:Single Ratio

1:5 Rope Climb:Alternating Grip PU

Scale the weight of the barbell & dumbbell as necessary.

Chanelle has been a member/coach at
the gym for the past “5” years. Her birthday
is 12/24/1990 and believe it or not, she loves
running & rope climbs. Today is her last day at the gym; therefore, we will honor her & the impact she has made on our community with a good old-fashioned, homemade workout.